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  • Using Desmos to Find Curves (C#)

    I recently started using Desmos, a free graphing tool, to come up with curve equations for my C# scripts.

  • Adapting a Gear VR Experience for Vive

    I decided to take some time off from developing our next game to get The Night Cafe working with Vive. This experience was originally designed for seated or standing VR without motion controls, although from the beginning I had considered adding support for the Razer Hydra back before motion controls were readily available. The Night Cafe is a…

  • Room Scale vs. Seated VR

    It will be interesting to see which version of VR becomes more widely adopted. Each have their advantages and disadvantages and each has content that is better suited to that experience. Ultimately I believe room scale will become an important feature amongst the many others such as hand tracking, outward facing cameras, positional head tracking,…

  • The Making of Night Cafe (part 2)

    This is the second and final part of the Making of Night Cafe series. For part 1 click here. Unity and Scene Construction Once I had all the assets built and ready for Unity I constructed the scene. While most of the objects were unique, there were several objects that were duplicated such as the tables and chairs.…

  • Sleep No More: 360 Immersive Storytelling

    I went to see a performance of Sleep No More over the weekend and I thought I would write about my experience because I think it’s pretty relevant to VR storytelling. Sleep No More is a play that takes place in a large 5 floor space where the audience can walk through and see the…

  • The Making of Night Cafe (Part 1)

    I’ve been meaning to put together a post to wrap up the Night Cafe project for some time now. This is the project that won the Platinum award in the Oculus Mobile VR Jam 2015 for apps and experiences as well as the Community Choice award.